Educational Policy Issues On Facilities Are Inadequate In Western Pasaman District

Educational Policy Issues On Facilities Are Inadequate In Western Pasaman District


  • Windi Lestari Padang State University
  • Vebbiola Putri Shasqia Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Tahany Nabila Putri Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yosi Nasdiah Universitas Negeri Padang


Policy Issues, School Facilities


The research was made to address the educational policy issues in the western market district. The method used is qualitative. Western market districts have significant educational potential, but there are still some issues affecting the quality of education in the region. One of these problems is the limited limitations of inadequate school facilities. This article discusses the limitations of school facilities experienced by students in the western pasaman district. According to data collected, it was found that some schools in the region still did not have adequate facilities, such as inadequate classroom space, inadequate educational equipment, and limited sports facilities. The results of these studies indicate that the limitations of school facilities can affect the quality of education and students' awareness of the importance of education. Therefore, further effort is needed to improve the quality of school facilities in the western pasaman district so that students can get better education.





