Effective and Excellent School Management

Pengelolaan Manajemen Sekolah yang Efektif dan Unggul


  • Mayang Syofhi Administrasi Pendidikan


School, School Management, education


The level of success of each school can be determined based on the effective school assessment model, which is one instrument Which Expected can be used by Education managers.Inside The results of this research are then used as consideration for school improvement. In an educational institution that has succeeded in achieving and realizing its predetermined goals, the school can be said to be an effective school because it has achieved its goals and has system management that is effective, transparent, accountable, has the means and adequate infrastructure, quality students, and can empower all important components in the school, both internally and externally in order to achieve the school's vision and mission effectively and efficient. An effective school is a school that has the concept of being able to optimize all inputs and processes to achieve educational output, which is the school's achievements, especially the achievements of students which can be seen from the possession of all abilities, namely 1) good principal leadership, 2) having high expectations for student achievement, 3) emphasis on basic skills, 4) controlled atmosphere and order. The principal is a figure (key person) and a school leader in realizing the vision, mission and goals of the school to become an effective and effective school.





