Implementation of Teacher’s Duties in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at the State Vocational School of Padang City`
Pelaksanaan Tugas Guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Mandiri di SMK Negeri Kota Padang`
Teacher's Duties, Implementation of Teacher Duties, Independent CurriculumAbstract
This research is motivated by the problem that the implementation of teacher’s duties is still not optimal in the implementation of the independent curriculum at the State Vocational School in Padang city. This study aims to obtain information and describe the implementation of teacher’s duties in the implementation of the independent curriculum which is seen from several aspects including learning planning, learning implementation, assessment, processing of assessment results, reporting of learning outcomes, as well as reflection and follow-up of learning and assessment. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this study is all teachers of Padang City State Vocational School with civil servant status totaling 635 teachers. The sample taken in this study was 112 civil servant teachers who were determined by the proportional stratified Random Sampling technique. The instrument in this study uses a Likert scale model questionnaire with five answer options that have been tested for validity and reliability. The data was processed using the mean formula. The results of this study stated that the Implementation of Teacher Duties in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at the State Vocational School of Padang City with an average score of 4.44 was in the good category. This shows that the implementation of teacher’s duties in the implementation of the independent curriculum at the State Vocational School in Padang City is good.
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