Internal Quality Assurance System in Secondary Education Units (SMA)
Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal Di Satuan Pendidikan Menengah (SMA)
Kata Kunci:
Internal Quality Assurance System, Secondary Education Unit, Senior High SchoolAbstrak
The level of knowledge of the school community regarding the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is still at a low level which still needs to be developed before establishing an internal quality assurance system for educational units. In addition, educators' understanding of national education standards, which are closely related to their duties, is still at an adequate level, so that understanding still needs to be increased so that they can carry out processes and evaluations according to standards. It is necessary to develop educators and educational staff in terms of knowledge and skills in implementing internal quality assurance through a special team from external education units until the school is ready to be able to implement an internal quality assurance system. In order to be able to guarantee the quality of education, education units need to establish SPMI in accordance with the standards and rules that apply to the National Education Standards (SNP), although judging from the accreditation value, it reaches the highest standard. Thus, studies are needed related to the internal quality assurance system in these schools so that they can gradually meet the SNP or even exceed it.